Fresh Look's Feature Paint Colour for June

Hi Everyone Thanks for checking out my blog. It's a rainy, gloomy day here today in Calgary so I decided to get busy on my feature paint colour for the month of June. We've had a late start to spring here but it's finally starting to green up! I hope things are going well for you as we are slowly returning to, what will probably be for quite a while, our new normal. Fresh Look's Feature Paint Colour for June - Mediterranean SW 7617 Mediterranean by Sherwin Williams is a beautiful teal colour. Mediterranean is a very livable colour as it does have some gray in it as well. You've probably heard the colour teal and turquoise used interchangeably but turquoise is a light to medium tone and more blue than green while teal is a darker blue-green. You'll also hear Peacock blue as another description. I would refer to Mediterranean as a classic colour - meaning it's a colour that will not date itself over time. In this next picture we used M...